Forms of Payments

Insurance and Massage Therapy
Billing for Insured and Un-Insured Clients
Auto Accident Insurance:
If you were injured in an accident and currently have Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage please request a medical packet from our personal injury specialist. If you are unsure of your PIP amount, current remaining balance, or are currently in litigation over your insurance claim we will work with your coverage to see what your options are. For more information on Auto Accidents, how they effect you and how we can help click HERE
Billing with HSA/FSA benefits:
If you were given a prescription from your physician for massage therapy Jessica with Boise Massage & Wellness can and does accept payment through health flexible spending accounts (FSA or also known as Flex), health savings account (HSA) or a health reimbursement account (HRA). We do recommend you verify with your benefit provider first or you may end up paying all session fees. Simply ask if they will cover massage therapy directly and if they want the prescription you have sent in (if not keep it on file for your records, they may ask at a later time for it). For more information on FSA/HSA benefits and how we can help click HERE
I am currently unable to bill Medical Health Insurance at this time as Idaho does not recognize Massage Therapists as a Healthcare Provider. You will have to pay direct for your session and then file for reimbursement through your insurance. I am happy to provide you the needed forms and documentation to help get your claim submitted. I can not guarantee your insurance will cover or reimburse you as that is up to them.
Billing for Un-Insured Clients
Boise Therapeutics Massage & Wellness accepts Cash and Major Credit Cards only aside from billing PIP claims. We no longer accept personal checks.